Church Membership

There are several ways you can join South Park Baptist Church:

  • By letter from another Baptist church of like faith and order.  By "Baptist church of like faith and order" we do not mean exclusively Southern Baptist Convention churches, but Baptist churches that practice believer's baptism*.
  • By statement of faith that you have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and have followed in believer's baptism* in another Baptist church of like faith and order.
  • By statement of faith that you have already accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and would like to follow in believer's baptism*.
  • By profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and would like to follow in believer's baptism*.

*Believer's baptism is baptism by immersion and symbolizes - death (dead to our old life), burial (we bury our old life) and resurrection (raised to our new life in Christ).